Literacy & Social Studies

Welcome to Our Literacy & Social Studies page. Here you will find out more about our curriculum and assessments; a link to Iowa Core Standards and helpful links for families.
Olin Consolidated School District provides students in grades K-6 with grade-appropriate reading and literacy instruction, including phonics/spelling, writing, reading comprehension, monthly social studies units, and junior achievement.
Literacy & Social Studies classes are taught by:
Ms. Meixner
Ms. Colehour
Ms. Payne

Our Literacy & Social Studies Curriculum & Assessments
(Including Core programs as well as intervention materials)
Olin Consolidated School District re-evaluates our curriculum to make sure we are providing the best in education to our students.
We are currently using the Journey’s program; however, our literacy department is in the process of selecting a new curriculum for the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit our Literacy & Social Studies page soon for an updated curriculum.
Your student's success and growth in their studies are important. We work with our students with WIN (What I Need) or MTSS Interventions daily as well as weekly progress monitoring.
Assessments Given:
Weekly lesson tests
Unit benchmark tests
Fall/Winter/Spring FAST assessments,
Fall/Spring Map assessments
Spring ISASP assessment
Useful Links for Literacy & Social Studies
Here you will find our link to standards for literacy and social studies, as well as helpful links for families for additional at-home study:
Link to Standards:
Helpful Links for Families
Kids A-Z for spelling and vocabulary:
Razz Kids-?? Possibly for 2021-2022
Epic K-3 grade:
ABC ya K-3 grade:
ABC mouse-K-3 grade:
Think Central (Curriculum website): grades 4-6
Dancemat typing: 2-3rd grade:
Tumble Book Library: Grades 4-6th: