School-Wide Title 1
In 2017 Olin Elementary qualified for School-Wide Title 1. This is extremely valuable to our school because it has allowed Mrs. Payne, our Title 1 teacher, to work with every student in the school. We are able to do some co-teaching within the classrooms as well. With School-Wide Title 1, all students benefit from extra reading assistance both in and out of the Literacy classroom. With Iowa’s reading standards and goals, and the added reading assistance that School-Wide Title 1 provides, our students will be able to better their reading each school year!
For academic supports, we have interventions that may include Title 1 support, 5 Minutes Matter site word and/or fact fluency practice, MTSS (RTI) reading groups, homework helper, etc. These supports go above what every student receives in their core classes

Iowa Department of Education
Title 1 General Information
Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) provides local educational agencies (LEAs or school districts) with extra resources to help improve instruction in high-poverty schools and ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and to reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging academic standards. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) re-authorizes the ESEA and incorporates major reforms for education reform, particularly in the areas of assessment, accountability, and school improvement. NCLB requires the development of standards in reading and math, and assessments linked to those standards for all students in grades 3-8. LEAs and schools must use Title I funds for activities that scientifically based research suggests will be most effective in helping all students meet those standards.